Istanbul Ottoman Relics Tour



(Walking Tour)

Half day Afternoon Tour



TOPKAPI PALACE The great palace of the Ottoman sultans from the 15th to the 19th centuries, housing an exquisite collection of precious gems, jewellery thrones of sultans, robes worn by the sultans and their families; miniatures, the Holy Mantle; CHABER OF SACRED RELICS.

(Harem is not included in the program and visit is due to extra entrance fee.)


LITTLE HAGIA SOPHIA MOSQUE is known as one of the oldest standing churches in Istanbul dating back to 6th century. It’s early domed-basilica architectural plan of famous Hagia Sophia which was applied here first time in the history. Temple is founded by powerful emperor Justinianos whose reign was golden age of Roman Empire and now is used as a mosque since 1497.




Topkapı Palace on Tuesday / Replaced with Beylerbeyi Palace